Another Advance for the Respect of Child Rights!

Posted on Posted in Human Rights

The 3rd optional protocol of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified on the 14th of January by a 10th country, Costa Rica, which allows this protocol to come into effect starting April 2014 !

assemblee-unphoto-devra-berkowitzWe can only welcome this news because this protocol marks a considerable advance for child rights. In fact, minors could begin filing complaints in appeal for the violation of their rights with the 18 international experts of the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child.

This protocol thus reinforces the efficiency of the Convention of the Rights of the Child since individual cases can be handled.

The countries having thus far ratified the 3rd protocol are Albania, Germany, Bolivia, Spain, Gabon, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovakia, Thailand, and, finally, Costa Rica, the 10th signatory which will bring the protocol into effect.

The future of child victims of all types of violated rights is therefore brightening a little more.

Written by: Marlène Joris
Translated by: Denis GINGRAS
Proofread by : Louis ARIGHI