
The protection of children’s privacy in France: a reform of Image Rights Law

In response to the rise of social networks and the phenomenon of “sharenting“, the French law issued on February 19, 2024 marks a significant step forward in protecting children’s rights. By explicitly introducing minors’ image rights to the Civil Code, this reform aims to regulate parental practices that often overlook the dangers associated with sharing […]

Children grappling with the resurgence of armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo

For more than thirty years, the conflict in the DRC has cost the lives of more than six million people, including countless children. Since 2024, with the significant intensification of the conflict, it is appropriate to report the impact of these conflicts on the rights of children, as well as the violations and systemic dysfunctions […]

Japanese Civil Code reform: A controversial debate on joint custody

Japan is undergoing a legislative transformation regarding parental rights. A new reform of the Civil Code, the first in 77 years, introduces a major change concerning joint custody after divorce. Although this bill has been long awaited, it has sparked strong criticism and deeply divided Japanese society. Is this reform sufficient to address the challenges posed […]

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Our action in the field

In Rwanda, we help local leaders to develop an intuitive emotional understanding of children’s rights

What we do

Independent observatory

We constantly monitor the situation of children and report violation cases in the world, with the ultimate aim of ensuring total transparency.

Online child rights education

We promote the emergence and development of an online community by using digital communication technologies and tools to educate adults and children in a simple and understandable way.

Legal advice & Advocacy

We provide legal advice on children’s rights, working with a global network of lawyers. We advocate internationally for the improvement and fulfillment of child rights, with a focus on the recognition and respect of children’s environmental rights.

Strengthening the actors of change

We implement the rights of the child at a local level using a unique interdisciplinary combination of legal tools and psychosocial techniques.

Child welfare

We work with local NGOs to support and implement projects for the protection of children, their development, survival and education.

Our impact

Number of people reached
Processed applications for legal aid
Child welfare beneficiairies
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