Building Europe for, and with, children

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In its 2012-2015 special program for children’s rights, the Council of Europe defined seven good reasons to promote children’s rights “everywhere and for everyone“.


Construire une Europe pour et avec les enfants


1. “Children are not mini human beings with mini human rights.”
Children have rights that are guaranteed by various conventions: at the global level by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and at the European level by both the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter.

2. “Children are vulnerable. We need to protect them more, not less.”
Children are victims of numerous forms of violence at school, on the Internet, in the street, in detention centers and sometimes even at home. Adults have a duty to pay close attention to them and protect them, in all circumstances.

3. “Nothing can justify violence against children.”
In certain countries and in certain families, traditional or religious practices that are harmful to children are followed to the letter. It is prohibited to hit, maim, humiliate or abuse a child in any way.

4. “All violence against children can be avoided.”
Often, the young victims don’t dare report abuse and remain prey to their aggressor, even though the aggressor could be punished. Also, in many cases, the child is not taken seriously. This is why the Council of Europe helps member states establish strategies to prevent violence against children.

5. “The protection of children requires a strategic approach.”
National policies must be participatory and include all strategic players.

6. “Children’s rights concern us all.”
Everyone is affected by children’s rights. From parents to grandparents, the stranger on the bus to the mailman, all the way to the State and associations.

7. “Children’s rights nurture Europe.”
The Council of Europe hopes for a Europe resembling the vision of the future that it strives to build for children: a safe place that provides a good environment to grow up in, and where happiness is possessed by all.