“June 16th, 3pm: I have a meeting with Olivier Soret at Association Humanium (Versoix, Switzerland). I arrive on time… a little early even. I have a chat with members of the team and learn about the organisation. Then I meet Shaya, the mascott of Humanium, who greets me very warmly.
With Shaya’s agreement, I become part of Humanium. My internship in charge of the development of the Childrens’ rights portal begins on July 4th, 2011.
When I applied for this internship (posted on Idealist.org), I hoped first to commit to a cause that was -and still is- dear to my heart: to learn about the rights of the child. I also wanted to put into practice the knowledge I acquired during my studies. Working for Humanium was a wonderful opportunity that allowed me to do both.
More precisely, during the two months of my internship I was able to support various projects and tasks at the association, including researching information and multimedia content, writing and publication of web content, coordination of volunteers, management of translators and proof-readers, etc. I also had the opportunity to contribute to legal research and the establishment of a data base.
Although brief, this experience was very interesting both from a professional and humane angle. I had the chance to work with a friendly and motivated team, and most importantly, one that is dedicated to the rights of the child. I thank them all and wish them a beautiful, splendid, wonderful and fantastic way ahead…”