Self-Help Group Social Mobilization

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The participative approach developed by Humanium and its partners in India mainly involves the social mobilization of women groups.

In Sankarapuram village where Humanium has been working since April 2009, 12 self-groups comprising 159 women, have been set up already. The setting-up of these groups is mainly linked to the microcredit programme, but in reality, those women play a far more important role, they are the doers and initiators behind the development of their community.

Humanium’s approach encourages villagers to develop using their own initiative, but also let them run most of their own activities.

Social mobilization puts forward the role women play in initiating creative development and set the foundation for a common action.

Women’s involvement is essential, they are the prime mover and their attitude is truly favourable to the growth of sustainable development.

The social mobilization of the Sankarapuram self-help groups facilitates the village self-sufficiency and also takes into account the real needs of the community. Another outcome is the sense of responsability each individual gets. It is also a way to stimulate solidarity, the strength of the group and its capacity for self-help is inspiring and brings together the conditions for a global, efficient and sustainable action.