Citizen Centre

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Within its programme that aims at promoting participatory democracy, Humanium has set up in the village of Sankarapuram a Citizen Centre. This centre gives to the villagers the opportunity to use IT equipments, to have access to information and means of communication, as well as offering a place for the community to organise meetings and debates.

The Citizen Centre is situated in a building made available by the authorities. It is now equiped with computers, an internet connection as well as the necessary equipments needed to photocopy, print, scan or send faxes. It also has a library with newspapers and magazines. Thanks to the profits made by the cyber-cafe, the centre is now financially self sufficient.

Banumathi, a 29 year-old young lady, is in charge of the Citizen Centre, and can therefore help the villagers. She gives them information about their rights as citizens and also runs IT classes for the children. To be able to have that position, Banumathi went through a 4 months training period. In the past, she couldn’t leave her home, this employment gave her the opportunity to become more autonomous as well as bringing home a regular income to her family.