Internship Testimonial – Aude Chevalier

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Aude Chevalier , a student at the Graduate School of Business and Development, has completed a 3 month internship at Humanium.

“I had the opportunity to integrate work with Humanium into the third year of my course. It was thus, as an intern in Fair Trade that my experience began in May 2011.

Through my experiences and studies, I gained a different view of trade. I realised that integrating the aspects of sustainable development, the environment and equality is necessary and important to achieve fair trade.

The online store was my main area of responsibility, and I worked on its renovation with Charlene. I also completed a multitude of other tasks, all different from one another, such as searching for new products, managing orders and stocks, etc. Such responsibilities allowed me to consolidate and deepen my theoretical knowledge. Moreover, these activities were not isolated: an internship at Humanium incorporates active thinking about ongoing and future projects.

This experience is now coming to an end but has been a reflection of the essence of Humanium: A concentrate of good humour, a strong team and multiple things to accomplish towards a common goal: to achieve the Rights of the Child.

Life at Humanium is made of new encounters, sharing, exchange, teaching, smiles, simplicity… Those shared moments are what I will cherish and remember, and I thank those without whom they would not have existed”