A woman testimony : Sarahswheti, Annathur village

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Sarahswheti, a courageous mother :

« I have 3 children, they are 7, 9 and 12 years old. They are all going to school which is free of charge at the moment, but when that ends, they won’t be able to attend any longer, we cannot afford to pay for school. »

Sarahswheti works on building sites, her hands are eaten up by concrete which she handles everyday without any protection. The modest salary she brings back home to support her family is squandered by her husband. He has a drinking problem and doesn’t work. When she comes home after a hard day at work, her husband beats her and demands more money.

Sarahswheti belongs to these women, pioneers in the village, who say no to the fatality of deprivation and who are becoming involved in one of the new Annathur Self Help groups. Together, women are going to develop solutions, train themselves, learn to read, to write, to calculate, improve their skills and benefit from microcredit so they can create a small business.

Thanks to a donation, you can help these mothers, who, like Sarahswheti are getting ahead towards a brighter future !

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