Woman’s story : Dhana-Lakshmi, 24 years old, village of Annathur

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Dhana-Lakshmi, 24 years of age, village of Annathur

“I have two children, a girl and a boy. My son is already at the age were school is not for free anymore. We are not able to pay the fees to make him continue to go to school which means that he will have to leave school and help us to gain some money.”

Dhana-Lakshmi is illiterate, she signs with her thumb. For the women of the village, to sign with one’s name is already a huge privilege.

In only a few weeks, Dhana-Lakshmi will be integrated into a self-help group for women, she will learn to write and to read. She will create her own little micro-enterprise in order to earn money for her and her family.