Thank to you, in 2011…

Posted on Posted in Association's life

Humanium was founded in 2008 as a neutral and independent organization to support Children’s Rights and work with those in poverty.

In India, we provided tangible aid for 3,496 people, through our partnership with Hand in Hand India.

We worked in three villages to provide sustainable education for all children, as well as professional training and the development of revenue-generating activities for women.  We also successfully combatted malnutrition and helped older adults regain their sight.  All of our achievements were due to our direct engagement with the villagers and to the relentless efforts of our local partners.

But none of this would have been possible without the support of hundreds of volunteers.  In 2011, we streamlined and expanded our international volunteer network to include more than 150 currently active volunteers, out of a total of 600 registered volunteers from 60 countries.

Thanks to our volunteers’ hard work and the leadership of our team in Geneva, we raised awareness and provided information for close to 138,000 people throughout the world, our lawyers provided pro bono consultations for 77 cases in defense of Children’s Rights, and we shared our work with more than 180,000 people on our three Facebook pages.

We can only achieve all of this with your help, and with the help of all our supporters.

Thank you all.  We are deeply grateful for your support.

Olivier Soret

Founder and President of Humanium

> Annual report 2011