World Water Day 2014 – Water and Energy

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March 22 has been World Water Day since 1993. This is an initiative of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). This conference adopted a resolution inviting the States to devote this World Water Day to “activities such as the promotion of public awareness through publications, broadcasting documentaries, organizing conferences, round tables, seminars […]

Parents see double in China

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Friday the 15th of November probably doesn’t mean very much to you. However, for many Chinese children, even if they don’t know it yet, this date marks a great change. As part of a series of reforms, the Chinese government has decided to relax its one child policy. The one child policy Introduced in 1979 […]

Africa’s invisible children

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Only 44 per cent of African children aged under 5 years have their births registered, as many rural African families are so isolated and marginalised that they lack the requisite information and financial means to register their children’s births. Without a legal identity, these children have no legal right to any kind of protection and […]

“The Children of Al Qaeda”

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In the absence of national statistics on the subject, it is very difficult to estimate the number of children born of relationships, both consensual and forced, between Iraqi women and Al Qaeda fighters. During the chaotic war period in Iraq, many religious marriages were organized, most of which were forced. Eager to spread their message, […]

Ending Discrimination Against Roma Children

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The discrimination to which Roma children are subjected is described by Ms. Nursuna Memecan, a rapporteur for the Council of Europe, as a “specific form of racism, an ideology founded on racial superiority, a form of dehumanization and institutional racism nurtured by historical discrimination which is expressed, among other things, by violence, hate speech, exploitation, […]

Another victory in the village of Azakusamudram!

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In Azakusamudram, a project for improving the living conditions of the villagers is coming to a close. It has taken two years to achieve the desired objectives and bring about real transformations. The project was a great success! This project addressed the needs of the Azakusamudram villagers by working on the major problems encountered by […]