A global perspective on children’s rights in 2023

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Freedom, Health, Peace, Poverty, refugees, violence

Nowadays, millions of children face persistent obstacles in exercising their fundamental rights to healthcare, education, and protection. Floods, earthquakes, and wars, compounded by governmental inaction in implementing crucial policies, have notably exacerbated the already dire circumstances faced by children, intensifying their vulnerability. The devastating events throughout 2023 have led to increased fatalities, widespread displacement of […]

Unraveling Norway’s Barnevernet: Examining children’s best interests

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, Poverty

The Norwegian Child Protection Services, commonly known as Barnevernet, has been embroiled in controversy for over a decade due to its practice of removing children from their parents. This common practice, subjected to strong criticism by the international community, is not limited to any particular group since it often involves even the most vulnerable members […]

The civil war in Sudan: a grave humanitarian crisis for children

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, Poverty, violence

Sudan’s past tensions and turmoil resurfaces in April 2023, with a civil war raging between the Sudanese military and the paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (‘RSF’). At the crossroads of tensions and violence are the Sudanese population and a particularly vulnerable group in the midst of war – its children. Toppling an existing humanitarian […]

Targeted chemical attacks on Iranian schoolgirls

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Poisoning cases in Iranian schools have been a recurring problem, and the recent targeted chemical attacks against girls’ schools have made the situation even more dire. Since the initial incident of schoolgirls being poisoned in Qom in November 2022, there has been a concerning increase in similar incidents reported in schools throughout the state. The […]

The deportation and forcible transfer of Ukrainian children

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Empowerment, Freedom, Human Rights, Migration, refugees, violence

The current situation in Ukraine has sent the entire international community into a tizzy. Within more than a year, NGOs, UN bodies, and the international press were able to document an increasing number of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law. One of the allegations that strongly resonates nowadays is the deportation and […]

The Rohingya’s torment: thousands of children endangered in Myanmar and Bangladesh

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, Migration, Poverty, refugees, violence

The Rohingyas are among the world’s most persecuted minorities. The long-standing discrimination and escalating brutality in Myanmar have been depriving the Rohingyas of the enjoyment of a humane and safe life, for decades. Those who are extremely vulnerable to such abuses are precisely the children from this minority group. Furthermore, the Rohingyas also face an […]

The situation of Ukrainian refugee children in Poland

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights, refugees

Poland has been the country that has welcomed the biggest number of refugees coming from Ukraine since the start of the conflict. Indeed, the response of the Polish government and the Polish people has been very supportive. Out of all the refugees who have arrived in Poland, there is also a great number of children […]

“The predatory system” – overhauling the USA’s child welfare system 

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Explotation, Freedom, Human Rights

Recent data suggest that over 30% of children in the United States of America (US) will be a part of a child welfare investigation by the time they turn 18 (Human Rights Watch, 2022). The nature of these investigations is broad, ranging from reports of suspected abuse to investigations into known harms. The most common […]

The best interest of the child as put into practice worldwide

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Education, Empowerment, Freedom, Human Rights

The principle of the best interests of the child is one of the four general guiding principles on children’s rights (right to non-discrimination, best interests, right to life, survival and development, right to participation or right to express opinions that are considered). It is closely related to Article 3(1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Article 24(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Both […]

National uprising in Iran – the alarming and deeply worrying treatment of the Iranian children

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Freedom, Human Rights, Peace, violence

The current regime in Iran enables a leader to possess absolute powers in the judicial, executive and legislative branches. For this reason, and despite Iran’s various obligations under international law and as a member of the United Nations, past and present protests are being met with the utmost maliciousness. This has led to various atrocities […]