Educational inequities for marginalized students in New Zealand

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New Zealand (known by its Māori name Aotearoa, which translates to “land of the long white cloud”) prides itself on values of equality and fairness, yet significant inequities persist within its education system, particularly for Māori (the country’s indigenous population) and Pasifika (South Pacific Islanders and their descendants) students (Jiaheng, 2024). Despite the overall high […]

The exploitative practices of Guatemala’s adoption industry

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Since 1996, Guatemala has been facilitating international adoptions, which has led to unethical practices by baby brokers deceiving Indigenous mothers into giving up their children. Fortunately, in 2008, responding to public outcry, the country banned these unhealthy international adoption practices. Yet, many Guatemalan adoptees, now adults raised abroad, face distressing realizations. The reality of adoption […]

Climate crisis threatens Indigenous children living on reserves in Canada

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While the climate crisis is experienced by all, marginalized groups are often disproportionately impacted by its negative effects. This is the reality for Indigenous children living on reserves in Canada. The climate crisis not only threatens Indigenous children’s right to health and safety but also results in their loss of land, culture, and livelihood. Canada […]

Roma children’s discrimination in education

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Roma children are discriminated against twice because of their affiliation to two marginalised groups: children and Roma. As members of the Roma community, they are subject to systematic discriminatory practices and policies across Europe, which affect them by the simple reason of their ethnic group. As children, their voices and needs are overlooked, sometimes in […]

The horrors of Canada’s history: the unmarked indigenous graves

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In May 2021, Canada was rocked by the discovery of an unmarked gravesite designated for over 200 indigenous children (Cecco, Michael & Voce, 2021). The burial ground, located on the premises of a former school in British Columbia, is testimony to the country’s historic segregation of indigenous children from mainstream society and the flagrant abuse […]

The Canadian colonial state and the disappearance of Indigenous children – the continuing repercussions

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The recent discovery of unmarked graves containing the remains of Indigenous children has shaken Canada over the past few months, highlighting the veil that has been thrown over both the atrocities of the past and the current vulnerable situation – stemming primarily from the colonial context – in which Indigenous children and adults find themselves. […]

A landmark ruling for environmental rights in Ecuador

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Nine girls from the Ecuadorian Amazon and their respective communities of origin won their appeal before the Sucumbíos Provincial Court of Justice, in which they had asked the State of Ecuador to assume its environmental responsibilities to ban the practice of gas flaring and to bring reparations to thousands of affected local and indigenous communities. […]

“Horrified” MEPs demand Bolsonaro Stop Amazon Deforestation Amidst Covid-19

Posted on Posted in Children's Rights, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Indigenous people, Life at Humanium

Humanium has facilitated the writing of Open Letter which was sent by 20 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to the Brazilian government on 1 March 2021. In the letter, which demands an end to deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, MEPs condemned Brazil’s handling of Covid-19 pandemic as “failed” and urged immediate action for the […]